9 Jet Provosts for sale. It’s getting like Davis Monthan round here…
Our most recent acquisitions, 9 complete Hunting Percival Jet Provost T5s, sum up rather brilliantly just how much Jet Art has grown in only 6 years. During that period we’ve gone from making and selling a few small items of bespoke aviation themed furniture to having nearly a full squadron of jets sat out in the backyard! What an absolute British classic as well. Anyone above a certain age with even a passing interest in aircraft will have fond memories of seeing JPs flying around the British Isles in their distinctive RAF signal red and white paint scheme. From its introduction into service in 1957 (T3 version) through to 1993 it was the RAF’s basic jet trainer, preparing pilots as they worked up towards the Gnat/Hawk then onto flying advanced fighter jets such as the Lightning, Jaguar, Tornado and Phantom. It wasn’t all sweetness and light though, an uprated version made by BAC (Hunting Percival got absorbed into BAC) was a stone cold killer in the guise of the Strikemaster (pictured below). Strikemasters flown by the Sultan of Oman’s airforce (mostly ex RAF pilots) were vital in helping the SAS fend off the Adoo rebels at the legendary battle of Mirbat.
Anyway, I digress! Below is a built up example of one of the T5 Provosts we’re selling.
These 9 machines have only recently been decommissioned from service as instructional airframes and what’s more, come complete with engines and ejection seats. The RAF was still ground running them up until a year ago so they were kept in hangars and regularly serviced (full paperwork available). This also means that in theory they could be returned to flight with *relatively* minor work and investment, although due to insurance/legal purpose we are selling for museum/display use only.
Of course, you don’t have to fly a jet to enjoy it and one (or more!) of these aircraft would make an excellent museum exhibit, business gate guardian, spares source or just a brilliant garden-based 2 finger salute to your neighbours!